Maries Slavery Adventures Pt. 01

Disclaimer: This story is based on the legal slavery concept developed by other authors. I have placed it into the NonConsent/Reluctance category as the concept inherently is. However: in this little universe of mine consequences of slavery are perceived as an inconvenience/annoyance at most. This is because slavery in real life is horrible and I dont want to write about horrible things. The woman in this universe are generally enjoying their experiences- thats not realistic but my Stories are explicitly not supposed to be realistic (if thats a dealbreaker for you, i'm sorry).

Marie's Slavery Adventures Part One

Marie's first assignment at the Auswärtiges Amt (Foreign Ministry) of Germany was at a consulate in a small town north east of London. It was not the biggest assignment, one tiny office for the consul and their two secretaries. The consul Frau Albrecht (or Mrs. Albrecht to the locals) was in her mid-thirties and not very thrilled to be assigned to a tiny consulate in a country that recently legalized female slavery, as she was one of the few women in the Foreign Ministry. Frau Albrecht's second secretary was Anna who spent most of her time at work doing the bureaucratic tasks that came up while Marie focused on meeting Officials, attending events or consulting with German citizens that required assistance.

While Anna was rather short and unobtrusive in both her looks and behavior, with her slender body and bob cut hair, Marie was a bit of a stunner. She had shoulder length hair that she usually wore in a professional ponytail, attentive blue eyes and 'the girl next door' kind of face that required little makeup to look beautiful. Her appearance and generally cheerful attitude guaranteed a good first impression with clients and loads of attention from men and women anywhere she went. On infrequent occasions a local court consulted the consulate to verify the self-enslavement papers of a German citizen. Which wasn't legally necessary but still done to prevent tensions as the UK was the only European Country that legalized slavery.

It also happened, though rarely, that the consulate helped in cases of 'accidental enslavements', in cases without signed self-enslavement papers, as the rule 'all sales are final' did not apply to citizens of the UKs partner states. Those cases usually ended with the girl being freed and asked to leave the country or signing enslavement papers belatedly. Usually Anna delt with those cases so Marie hasn't had much contact with slavery other than seeing it in the media. Which, to Marie's surprise nearly every new TV show featured.

"Hey Marie, do you have a minute?" Anna asked. "Tomorrow there is a slavery convention in the shopping mall near the marketplace and there are four German citizens currently inventory of 'Sam the Slave man' going up for auction. The Magistrate already signed off on everything, so they want our OK as soon as possible."

"Isn't that something you take care of?"

"They usually just send the copies over, but this time they didn't so we need to pick them up. I am already drowning in paperwork and can't go over there myself. Can you please take care of it?"

"Sure, what do I need to look out for?"

"Just check if the enslavement-papers are in order, make copies and bring them to me so I can file them."

"What if something is off?"

"Then you just tell them that they can't be auctioned and we will have to contact the magistrate. If you don't give your OK they won't be sold. Slave Stores could have their license revoked for knowingly selling off foreigners without a consuls approval."

The next day Marie was on her way to the City Center. With temperatures rising worldwide you could wear summer clothing for most of the year. Marie personally considered everything but Summer dresses, skirts and short pants to be torture and luckily Frau Albrecht was fine with her subordinates wearing casual clothes unless there was official or important meetings. Today she was wearing a light summer dress that draped to just above her knees with a deep neckline that showed a hint of cleavage that was comfortable without being too flirty.

Marie did not want to admit it but she was excited. In her free time she would sometimes watch English Television, especially the shows featuring slaves or slavery. She loved reading stories and news articles about enslaved girls, interviews with slave girls and looking through slave accessories in online shops. She was aware that a lot of it was outright propaganda, but she couldn't deny that the subject aroused her and with every bus stop closer to the city center she could feel her arousal increasing.

Leaving the bus at her destination she could feel her knees shaking a bit. The first thing she noticed was a girl being led by a leash attached to a collar that was locked around her neck. She was led by another girl that couldn't have been much older than the slavegirl. Seeing collared slaves wasn't uncommon, though completely naked like this wasn't a common sight. Marie saw a few more slaves on the short way from the bus stop to the shopping mall, some even with additional restraints like ankle hobbles or hands cuffed behind their back.

At the entrance to the mall a man in a uniform was looking at the people entering the mall. When Marie was about to pass him he waved her over.

"Hey there girlie, can I see some ID please?"

Marie handed him her ID. "A foreigner, eh? You know what's going on here today?"

Marie explained that she was from the consulate here on official business. Nodding, he replied "I'm assuming you're not chipped. You should wear a visitors collar then. So nobody tries to enslave and sell you." He took her by her arm and dragged her into a small office inside the mall. "Wait here", he said pointing at a chair. Marie barely had time to realize what was going on when the man already returned with a collar in his hand.

He quickly locked the collar around Marie's neck and attached a plastic tag. "We don't have any visitor collars in stock but the tag says you're a government official so you should be fine. Just try not to lose it."

He then pushed Marie out of the Office with his hand on her ass saying, "If you decide to sell yourself make sure you sign the papers for the consulate to save us some time." and closed the door behind her.

Marie now stood in the mall fingering her collar. Thinking to herself, 'Shit. It's really locked'. The man didn't tell her how she could get it removed but she'd just have to ask at the reception before leaving she thought. The collar felt strange. It was impossible to ignore its presence, but it wasn't uncomfortable. "Let's just get this over with" she mumbled as she moved on towards the Sam the Slaveman shop which was close by.

Due to the convention some of the regular shops of the mall were closed, except for those dealing with slaves or slave accessories. There were also a few stands from other slave shops or slave schools advertising their services or wares. The place wasn't packed with people, some stands were even empty but then the convention had just begun and the highlight, the auction, would be later that day.

Standing in front of the Slaveshop she noticed a big advertisement poster saying:

Special Offer only during the Convention!

Slave Grading 50% off! 75% for pairs or groups!

Come see our stock at the auction at 4PM!

She went up to the counter where she was greeted by the receptionist, a cute brunette that looked at her in puzzlement.

"Hello Slave, why are you dressed like that? Get those clothes off so I can read your chip." She said as she was already trying to peel off Marie's summer dress.

"Wait! I'm not a slave. I'm from the consulate to verify some enslavement papers!" Marie said blushing, trying to show the girl the tag attached to her collar while also trying to pull her dress back up.

"Stop struggling!" the receptionist ordered while sliding the left shoulder strap of Marie's dress off her shoulder. Revealing her left tit in her bra and pressing a small electronic device against it.

"Please just look at the tag, I'm not chipped!" Marie worriedly exclaimed, and to her relief the receptionist did.

"I see. This is most irregular. You should really get yourself chipped. This will only cause confusion. We can get that done in no time and then you can get graded. It's 50% off today!"

"No thank you," Marie said, pulling her dress back up. "Can I talk to the manager please?"

"He's out on some last-minute arrangements, should be back in about two hours." And after a short pause she said, "You can wait in the slave pens if you want but you would have to be slave naked."

"No thank you, really I'm fine. I will just come back in two hours." Marie replied and hurried out of the shop.

Outside the shop Marie paused a moment to take a deep breath. She was woefully unprepared for this. She knew that in order to enslave a girl you usually needed the girl's consent, as in self enslavement or as part of a loan that the girl can't pay back. But it was also possible for a judge or magistrate to declare a girl enslaved if she lived as a slave for a certain amount of time and was showing slave-like behavior. That resulted in shops always trying to overwhelm girls in order to get them on the auction block. While not being strictly legal, it was never deemed illegal by a court either, and has resulted in many girls ending up as slaves and the common phrase "all sales are final" if they let themselves be caught and auctioned off. Thinking about it, getting chipped probably wasn't a bad idea. Much better than walking around with a slave collar and being mistaken for a slave. However, there was no way she would go back to the receptionist for that. She made a mental note to ask Anna if she knew where she could get chipped.

She now had two hours to spare and just wandered around the mall, trying to avoid places where she could be mistaken for a slave. She walked past some workers building a small podium, which was probably going to be the auction block. And found a small shop behind that, in the very back of the mall, that she never noticed before. On the first glance it was your regular sex shop with adult toys but on a closer look Marie saw that it heavily focused on BDSM and Bondage supplies. Marie always considered herself to be more on the submissive scale of things, but never really explored her fantasies, found herself drawn to the shop and went inside.

A good looking woman with black hair that wore leather pants, boots with high heels and black tube top that managed to JUST look still acceptable enough to wear in public greeted her, looked at the collar with the tag and then asked, "Oh, a government official? I'm not in trouble, am I?"

Marie explained her situation and the shop owner smiled: "I think that man you mentioned must have been playing around with you. Your passport should be more than enough to prevent you from getting on the block. My name is Sandra, can I help you with something or do you just want to look around?"

Happy to see a friendly face Marie said she would just look around for a bit and thanked Sandra for her offer. There were all kinds of restraints, cuffs, chains, ropes, masks, boots, whips and even furniture you could order to your home on display. Some of it was just for couples to play around with, some of it was for slaves or rather their owners. Different kinds of slave collars with different functions, leashes, slave cages for homes, slave cages for cars and trucks, cuffs and irons that could be worn permanently and so on. Marie found herself fixed on the little advertisement pictures that showed models wearing the devices and considered buying some.

She was the only customer currently in the shop, probably due to its remote location inside the mall. Marie decided she could chat with Sandra a bit, asking about the functions of some of the devices and furniture.

"You said you have two hours to wait before you can do what you came here for? How about trying some of it on?" Sandra asked.

"I... No thanks... I wouldn't know where to start..." Marie mumbled blushing deeply.

"Oh, leave that to me" Sandra replied, clipping a leash to Marie's collar. "Just come along it will be fun.". She led Marie to the back of the store, behind the counter but still visible. She connected the leash to a wall and told Marie to sit on a small stool.

"I will be right back, don't go anywhere" she said smilingly.

Marie's heart was pounding, but she couldn't say anything.

Sandra returned with a bunch of items in her arms and ordered Marie to stand up and turn around. Next, she asked Marie to put her arms together and then put a sleeve like object over them. "This is an armbinder" she explained as it enclosed her arms just up to her elbows. Before putting the armbinders shoulder straps over Marie's shoulder, she slid off the straps of her dress and bra but without pulling it down to reveal her breasts. Then she started tightening some straps until Marie's elbows almost touched and she was very effectively restrained. Marie didn't need her hands to feel how wet she was between her legs. Next Sandra reached over Marie's head and pulled something over her eyes. Marie heard a small click and with that the blindfold was locked in place. Now Marie wouldn't even know what was coming next.

As for what was coming next: Sandra ordered Marie to stand up and then pushed her to her knees. She bound Marie's front legs to her thighs with some leather straps at her upper thighs. That involved a lot of touching of Marie's bare thighs and Marie knew that Sandra must have felt her trembling in excitement. When she was done with the second leg Marie realized that this position forced her to stay kneeling with her legs spread exposing her underwear. Sandra wasn't done though as she pulled down Marie's lower lip with her fingers and whispered in her ears "Open up". Marie complied and could feel a round rubbery object being pushed into her mouth. Once it was behind her teeth, she could feel it being fastened and with a silent 'click', it too was locked in place.

Now being forced on her knees, legs spread, arms tied behind her back making her breast poke out, leashed to the wall, blindfolded and gagged she felt incredibly embarrassed but also equally aroused. Even if she wanted to complain, she couldn't. And in fear of her dress slipping down revealing even more of her, she didn't dare to struggle. Sandra however wasn't fully done and with one swift motion she pulled down the dress and revealed Marie's bare chest.

"You have fun dear. I will untie you after you've had a chance to enjoy yourself. Feel free to struggle!"

Marie was suddenly alone. In the dark. The only noises she could hear were the workers building the auction block. How long would Sandra keep her like this? What if someone comes in? What stops the shopkeeper from just putting her in a box and shipping her to the US or Japan?

She carefully tested her bonds. Marie was already topless so there wasn't much that could go wrong. Sitting on her knees felt awkward but changing her position would mean spreading her legs even further, revealing her panties even more so she endured for now. There was no way the armbinder would come off by itself and leaning forward she noticed that the leash didn't give her much room either.

After a short while she heard someone enter. "Hello Mrs. Calish. There was a delivery for you at the reception".

"Hi Frank, you're a darling I was waiting for that all day, can you just bring it in the back?" Sandra asked.

Marie froze, she recognized that voice. It was the man that locked this damned collar around her neck! And if he was coming in the back that would mean he was going to walk right past her!

"Sure thing. Oh, who is that? You finally got yourself a store slave?"

"No, she's a customer for now. Just trying on some of the merchandise."

"Wait.. I recognize her! She's the girl from the German consulate that came by earlier. You know you can't just enslave her? A shame really. She is quite a beauty." he said, now right next to Marie. He started fondling Marie's breasts and said laughingly "She just let you put all that on her? If she wasn't a foreigner, you could easily get her converted and sold."

Marie wanted to shout at the man, who she now knew was called 'Frank' but with the ballgag all that came out were some angry muffled sounds. She couldn't articulate the insults she wanted to throw at Frank but at least it made him stop molesting her.

"Heh feisty one. Would need proper training that's for sure." Frank said as Marie could hear him walking past her.

"Thank you, Frank. I owe you one." Sandra said.

"No worries Mrs. Calish. Have a good day."

And with that Marie was alone again, not for long though as Sandra came to her. The dark haired woman stood behind her and put one hand on her thigh and one on her breasts and started sensually stroking her.

"Don't worry about it dearie. That's just how he talks. He works for the mall and they have a scheme to find reasons to send girls to the slave shop. He can't but think of girls as potential sources of income."

Marie felt incredibly aroused and couldn't help moaning softly into her gag. She didn't know if she would ask Sandra to release her or beg her to use some of the other toys on her pussy.

"He's right though, you would be great slave material. I would love to own you. Use you for demonstrating my merchandise and then take you home with me every night."

Marie could feel that she was close to orgasm just from her breasts being played with and the hand on her thigh but before she could get anywhere Sandra was gone again. She could hear her walking around the shop and putting some things into the shelves. Lost in her haze of lust she lost track of time, when she heard someone enter. But she was in such a state that she barely could make out what they said. She heard the cash register ring and the people leaving. This happened a few times and Marie was finally coming to her senses again. Slowly her position was becoming more and more uncomfortable. Her arms being pulled back, being on her knees with her jaw forced wide open drove home her discomfort. When she finally hit her limit she tried to signal to Sandra that she had enough.

Sandra noticed and said "Oh Dear you're right. You shouldn't be in strict bondage like this for this long. I apologize but you really seemed to be enjoying yourself. So I didn't think of releasing you."

She loosened the armbinder, but without removing it. Then she undid one leg, carefully helped Marie straighten it and then the other. "Careful now, you must be sore all over, take it slow." She then unlocked the blindfold and looked into Marie's eyes. "Did you enjoy yourself Darling?" Marie nodded and Sandra unlocked and then took out the ballgag.

"Some water please" Marie said weakly.

"Sure thing Darling" Sandra replied, leaving Marie sitting on the floor leashed to the wall with the armbinder still attached.

Sandra returned with a glass of water and carefully put it to Marie's lips and helped her drink it. Next Sandra undid the armbinder and helped Marie up, just to let her sit down on the stool again. "Take all the time you need," Sandra said as she turned around towards a group of customers entering the shop. Marie pulled up her bra and dress straps over her shoulders. After a few minutes Marie felt strong enough to stand up but noticed that her collar was still attached to the wall by the leash and on top of that it was locked with a tiny padlock. She did not want take Sandra's attention from the customers, so she waited patiently until they left.

"Still here?"

"The leash is locked to my Collar" Marie replied.

"Oh, forgive me. I always forget something when untying slaves." Sandra chuckled as she unlocked the padlock, finally fully releasing Marie.r"


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