Kimmie's Awakening

Kimmie had just turned 18. Her conservative, southern parents would have been surprised to know that she had become sexually active about a year earlier and had lost her virginity to her only serious (and current) boyfriend six months ago. Her parents would have been floored to know that Kimmie also had a very active sexual imagination. That curiosity had her browsing the internet to see if she could arrange to have some risqué photos taken to give to her boyfriend for his upcoming 20th birthday. So far, she had learned that what she was interested in was called a "boudoir" photo shoot. She needed the photographer not to be local, though, because everybody knew everybody in the small town where she lived.

The nicest studio she found was near Atlanta, almost an hour's drive away. When Kimmie called, she learned that the studio closed at 5:30 during the week and all Saturday appointments were filled until after her boyfriend's birthday. Kimmie had cheerleading practice after school, so she couldn't get there on any weekday when appointments were available. She was so disappointed that she couldn't surprise her boyfriend like she wanted, that Kimmie started to cry softly. The young receptionist, Kelly, felt sorry for here and said she would talk to the photographer and call Kimmie back if something could be worked out.

The next day, Kelly called back to say her boss was a pushover for a "damsel in distress" and that Kelly had "guilted" him into finding an appointment for Kimmie in time for her boyfriend's birthday. So, he agreed to schedule a 6:30 appointment the following Tuesday if Kimmie could make it. Kimmie was so happy that she actually started to cry again, this time for joy, and she promised she would be there on time. They chatted a little about Kimmie's makeup and what to wear, and Kimmie must have thanked Kelly a dozen times. As they hung up, Kelly said she hoped to meet Kimmie someday, but she went home at 5:30, so maybe they could meet when Kimmie came by to review her proofs. "You'll have a great time," the receptionist assured Kimmie.

Ever since she began having sexual thoughts, Kimmie had fantasized about being nude in front of other people. She liked to look at naked women in magazines she found in her older brother's room or on the internet, and she always imagined how it felt to be so exposed to the camera and anyone watching. Kimmie knew that boys and men looked at those photos and thought about touching the women and more. It was that idea—of someone wanting to touch, or even use, her intimately—that turned Kimmie on the most. Those thoughts always came to her when she became sexually aroused, and it was almost as if a new, more uninhibited Kimmie was unleashed. When she was alone, that was also the point in her fantasy when Kimmie would begin touching herself and end up masturbating, which was exactly what happened for four straight days after Kimmie booked the appointment.

On the day of her appointment, Kimmie was anxious at school and a few times questioned whether she should go through with her plan. But whenever any doubt crept in, she thought about how much the sexy photos would excite her boyfriend, and how that would lead to Kimmie letting him do as he pleased with her. Plus, the idea of being even a little undressed in front of a camera excited her too.

Her nervous energy caused her to arrive at the studio ten minutes early, and the place looked deserted. With no receptionist and the lights dimmed, Kimmie wondered for a second if she got the date wrong. But then a man came out through a door to the reception area holding an expensive-looking camera. "Hi. You must be Kimmie," he said. "I'm Dale. Welcome to my studio."

Kimmie suddenly was more nervous and she mumbled a hello and heard Dale explain that the place was empty because the staff went home at 5:30. He also said something about going ahead with just him there only if she was comfortable. When she didn't respond, Dale matter-of-factly asked "Kimmie, are you sure you're okay with just the two of us here? I can re-schedule for another evening and ask someone else to stay."

Kimmie figured she had just enough courage to do this once, and she really wanted to get some photos for her boyfriend... and for herself. She also knew that the studio had been around a long time, so Dale couldn't be some weirdo. So Kimmie said, "I'm sure. Kelly told me you are a professional and that I was in good hands. So, what happens now?"

"Gee, I guess I need to give Kelly a raise," Dale smiled. He went behind the reception desk, pulled out an iPad, and handed it to Kimmie. "Here, look through these photos in the 'USA' file, Dale said, touching a file icon. "The photos get a little more private as you go through the file. It will give you some ideas about boudoir scenes or poses that you are comfortable with. I'll set up and be back in five or ten minutes."

"Thank you," Kimmie said. "What's in the other file?" Kimmie asked, noticing a file named "ABC."

Dale paused for a second. "Those aren't boudoir photos," he explained. "They are a little more... revealing, more intimate. That's not what I understand you are looking for."

"Okay," Kimmie responded. She was very much aware, though, of how her body reacted to the words "revealing" and "more intimate."

Kimmie browsed through the boudoir album file and, as Dale said, the photos got racier as they went along. The first photos featured suggestive looks and poses, and they progressed to buttons and snaps undone, and then to implied nudity. The last several boudoir photos showed women who obviously were topless or even naked, but showed only cleavage or "side boob," and a few showed the curves of the model's rear. They were very well done and very sexy. Kimmie started to think she might be willing to be more risqué that she first thought.

After looking at the last boudoir photo, Kimmie's sexual curiosity took over and she clicked on the "ABC" file, which opened to two subfiles labeled "Nudes" and "Core." Kimmie opened the "Nudes" file and saw that the photos were more like the ones Kimmie fantasized about. She swiped through sexy topless photos, then full frontal photos, sensing how the photos were also getting more erotic as they went. About 20 photos into the file, Kimmie gasped as the photos transitioned to models with spread legs or bent knees, exposing their vaginas. Those pictures mostly featured three sexy models, a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. Kimmie's hands now trembled as she browsed through the photos.

In the photos, the women were touching themselves, first their breasts, then their pussies. The last few photos could only be described as soft-core porn. Women squeezing or pinching their own breasts or spreading themselves open for the camera, with their fingers clearly on or maybe even a little inside their pussies. Kimmie was getting aroused and she felt the familiar urge to touch herself as she fantasized about showing off her body like that. She wondered what might be in the other file.

But Kimmie was shaken from her daydream by the sound of Dale returning, and she quickly went back to the boudoir photos. She was very aware, though, that her hesitancy was gone. She wondered if it was just her relaxing from Dale's reassurances, or if it was the energy she felt thinking about exposing herself like the women in the photos and the recurring idea of men wanting to touch her and more.

"So, does anything interest you?" Dale asked as he came into the reception area.

"Sure, they are all great, but I especially liked them starting about here," Kimmie responded, moving to a photo that showed the model's bare shoulders and one bare leg. Dale took note that Kimmie was almost in the middle of the boudoir section and that she had passed over the tamer sections.

"That's helpful. Tell me what you like about that photo."

Kimmie was startled by the question and she took a moment to consider it. "I like the idea... I guess... that any guy... er, anyone, seeing the picture probably feels like he wants to touch her. The picture makes her very pretty and very... vulnerable. At least that's what it feels like to me," Kimmie finished, and she blushed a little because of how forthcoming she had been.

"Wow. Very nice, and very helpful... Thank you Kimmie," Dale said supportively. "So, are you ready?" Kimmie nodded yes and stood up to follow Dale into the studio. When she did, she was mortified that she could feel dampness between her legs. She wondered if Dale might somehow be able to see that her panties were wet.

Kimmie had worn a gathered top that could be worn off the shoulders, but that she wore up at school, a short jean skirt, and her favorite Espadrille platform wedge sandals. The jean skirt was a tad too short for school, so Kimmie changed into it after cheerleading practice before driving to the studio. She had always liked the way her legs looked in that skirt with wedges or platform sandals. The receptionist Kelly had suggested to Kimmie that she might want to go without a bra, to avoid any strap marks, but Kimmie was too self-conscious to do that.

"Start over there," Dale said, nodding toward a well-lit area with multiple backdrops framed by lots of mirrors. I'll just take a few to test the lighting," and Kimmie realized Dale had started taking some pictures. "Looks pretty good," Dale added as he adjusted two lights just a little bit. "OK, smile for your boyfriend," Dale teased and began clicking away again.

Kimmie loved the encouragement from the photographer that he lavished to get her comfortable. She did relax some and listened to Dale's directions telling her to smile, "look sexy," and even "pout a little." After about 20 photos, Dale browsed through the photos on his camera and announced that Kimmie was "a supermodel." As goofy as that was, Kimmie loved the thought

"So, for the reveal, how about you pull your top down off one shoulder?" Dale asked. Kimmie was more than ready to show a little skin, but she loved hearing Dale tell her what to do. She casually pulled the top down off her left shoulder. But, looking in a nearby mirror, she saw that her exposed bra strap wasn't a sexy look, making Kimmie blush a little. She looked at Dale who said, "Well, we have options. "We can slide the strap down and hope it doesn't show. Or you can remove the bra for these shots. Or... well... I guess those are the two best options for now."

Kimmie picked up on Dale's hesitancy and paused for a second before asking "Was there another option?"

"Well, it would really change the composition, so maybe it's not a good option." Kimmie looked at Dale quizzically, so he continued, "Sometimes, if the woman is comfortable, the reveal can be taking off her top and posing in her bra. But maybe that is too much too fast."

Kimmie felt a surge of adrenaline at the thought of stripping down to her bra so quickly for this strange man. Her fulsome boobs showed very well on her petite frame and her breasts were blessed with the perkiness of being 18 years old. She bit her lip to suppress what she was really thinking about: being completely naked like the women in the back half of the album. But Kimmie took a deep breath and said, "I guess I can take off the bra for now." Dale smiled, nodded, and turned around. Kimmie reached around, undid her bra, and wiggled out of it, tossing it on a nearby sofa.

Dale turned back around. "Good decision. Taking it off will let the lines on your back and shoulders go away in case you want to take some shots without the top." He lifted his camera and Kimmie pulled the blouse down off her left shoulder again without another thought, but the words "without the top" echoed in her head. Dale began barking instructions to turn a certain way, lift or drop a shoulder, or brush back her hair, and he mixed in compliments that Kimmie drank in. When Dale told her to show the other shoulder, Kimmie didn't ask if he meant just the other one. Instead, she pulled the blouse off her right shoulder baring both sides. Kimmie glanced into one of the mirrors and saw that her nipples were visible through her top.

Dale kept shooting as he told Kimmie to turn to one side and kneel. She did as he asked and Dale took a few photos of her looking up at him. A few poses from that angle showed some cleavage. Dale then crouched down to take a few straight on shots of Kimmie on her knees. She was completely in the moment and she recognized the feelings she had when looking at pictures online or in magazines. She felt that her nipples were stiff and her panties damp.

"Beautiful Kimmie, you're a natural. Now, get on all fours and crawl to me slowly," Dale instructed as he moved to one side of the well-lit area. Kimmie did as he asked, and her heart raced thinking that he might be able to see her bare tits down her blouse. The top fit closely but a little more cleavage was visible. Dale looked up from the camera.

"Stop right there." Kimmie froze. Dale moved toward her. "May I?" he asked nodding toward her. Kimmie wasn't sure what he was asking, but she was not about to say "no" to anything at that point. She nodded and Dale slid her blouse further down both arms. Kimmie stayed still, but imagined accurately that Dale could now see the tops of her breasts. Dale eyed his new young model again and, this time without asking, he reached out and pulled the gathered front of her top straight down, giving him a glimpse of Kimmie's luscious breasts and causing more cleavage to show even when he let go. He stepped back and took several more photos.

"That's it babe, you got your wish," Dale said. "Crawl a little more."

"My wish?" Kimmie asked in a confused tone.

"Absolutely. These shots are way beyond attractive and inviting. Anyone seeing these photos will definitely want to touch you," Dale said smiling. His words sent a jolt of electricity through Kimmie's body, just as Dale knew they would. The thought of random men wanting to touch her was so sexually thrilling that Kimmie felt an almost irresistible urge to touch herself. And the thought that Dale might want to touch her took things to a new level. Dale continued to take pictures, but even through the lens he could see in Kimmie's face that she was struggling to keep her composure. He also knew from experience that Kimmie would want to go a little beyond a standard "boudoir" photo session.

Kimmie crawled closer to Dale. He took some close ups of her face and a few of her cleavage. "Lick your lips," Dale suggested, and he clicked a few more times when she did. "Now, turn around a crawl away from me... slowly." Kimmie did as instructed. When she turned around, she saw in a mirror that Dale had been taking pictures that clearly showed a lot of her tits, and that thought almost took her breath away. As she crawled away, her skirt rode up to the top of her things. All of her athletic legs were bared as the skirt reached just the bottom of her ass cheeks.

Dale walked around her and took photos from different angles until he was behind her again. "This is totally up to you Kim, but panty shots are very popular and very provocative." Dale said casually. When Kimmie just looked at him silently, Dale added, "Poses that expose your panty, 'accidentally' of course. It makes the viewer feel like they are sneaking a private peek at you."

"Sounds nice," Kimmie mumbled, struggling to hide a desire to show a lot more than her panties. "Show me."

Dale approached her from behind and pulled her skirt up, exposing Kimmie's bare ass cheeks outside the t-back panty, and slid the skirt even higher to show more of the panty. He stepped back and framed some shots that featured her ass and panty. "Look up here, hon," Dale instructed, and he took a series of pictures that made it clear Kimmie was wantonly showing her mostly-uncovered ass and her crotch.

Dale moved behind Kimmie again and pulled her skirt back down halfway over her butt. "Spread your knees apart a little," Dale said thoughtfully. The words literally made Kimmie's vagina tingle. "Now look back here," Dale directed and Kimmie looked back at him as he took photos that showed Kimmie on all fours, looking back flirtatiously, now showing more openly her panty-covered crotch. Through the lens Dale could see a faint wet spot on the panty. Kimmie was literally trembling at the idea of her fantasy coming true. Her mind flashed to her boyfriend because she was more than ready and wanting to have his way with her.

"Don't move," Dale said again and Kimmie stayed motionless. "I need to make one little adjustment." He approached her and, with Kimmie watching, Dale slid two fingers under her t-back panty, pulling it out and moving his fingers down separating the soft material from Kimmie's body. Kimmie knew that gave Dale an unimpeded view of her waxed pussy lips and her bum hole. He held her panty that way for a few seconds, but to Kimmie it seemed an hour. Then he adjusted it and used his hand to smooth the front panel covering Kimmie's pussy. "There was one stubborn wrinkle, but that should fix it," Dale said as his hand brushed over her crotch.

"Good. Thank you.." Kimmie said, barely above a whisper. Her mouth was dry and she found it difficult to speak. She wondered if Dale knew what he was doing to her. But she stayed in the same position as Dale stepped away to re-frame the shot. He finished up with several more shots featuring Kimmie's crotch and ass. By that point, Kimmie felt like she was in a dream. She hung on every direction Dale gave, and she almost floated through a series of shots of her laying on a fluffy rug and sitting on a bed with her legs spread enough to show her panty under her jean skirt.

"Kimmie...Kimmie" Dale's voice shook her out of her near-trance. "Are you interested in that?" Dale asked.

"I'm sorry, for what ... um, I was daydreaming," Kimmie admitted sheepishly.

"Topless poses from the back. Implied nudity. It usually results in the sexiest shots."

Kimmie thought about the women in the album and agreed that those poses were dramatic. "Yes. I'd like to try some" she admitted.

"Great. So, stand here," Dale said positioning her and checking lighting. "I'll stay behind you, and when you are ready take off your blouse. You can hold it in front of you to cover yourself up if you'd like. We call those 'modesty shots' and they have great potential. Or you can toss it aside."

Kimmie's body was quaking. Dale was waiting for her to take off her top, leaving her naked from the waist up in front of a man with a camera. She took a deep breath and tried to hide how flustered she was. Her mind raced as she grabbed the bottom of her blouse and pulled it up and over her head. She laid it over her breasts and held it close and then turned to see Dale staring at her. He lifted the camera to look through the lens and then moved it back down again.

"Turn your shoulders a little more to the left." Kimmie moved as directed. "Excellent," Dale said quietly as he began taking photos. "Now, drape the blouse over your left shoulder just a little," he told her. To do that, Kimmie had to move the blouse so that it uncovered her right breast, which was now hidden only by her folded arm. "Beautiful, give me the look that says how terribly sexy you can be."

Kimmie flirted with the camera as Dale continued clicking away. He paused for a second and stared, before approaching her. He reached out and gently ran his hand over a spot on her back. "There's a little line from your bra strap, that should make it go away," Dale assured her. His hand sent electric bolts through Kimmie's body. The way that he touched her without asking was beyond exciting. Kimmie fantasized that Dale turned her around and pulled her blouse away, exposing her breasts, but instead he backed away slowly and took a few more photos.

"OK. Turn back to the right," Dale guided her. He didn't mention the blouse so Kimmie just left it over her left shoulder as she turned to the right and looked over her right shoulder. The camera clicked and whirred until Kimmie slowly turned just a little more to the right. "Push your hair up off your neck," Dale told her. Again, he wasn't specific so Kimmie used her right hand to pull her hair up into a bun, uncovering her right breast. It was an awkward position, but Kimmie's pose showed the side of her right breast in the frame. "Very nice," Dale told her.r"


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