Mothers and Daughters Ch. 11

This is the 11th in a series of chapters about Melissa, a young woman who brings her boyfriend home to meet her family at their remote Eastern Oregon ranch and learns that while she has been away at college her father, Luke, and Mother, Lisa, have adopted a swinging lifestyle. Melissa and her boyfriend, Jamie have joined right in with her parents liberated style. It will be helpful to have read the prior chapters.

It was getting on towards the end of the day on the Ranch. Lisa and Melissa had finished the irrigating and were debating what to cook for dinner, expecting Luke and Jamie to return shortly from their trip over to the family's ranch near French Glen. They were walking up from the barn toward the house when Lisa's phone pinged and she saw a message from Luke.

"Looks like the boys are not coming home tonight. Luke says there is more he wants to show Jamie tomorrow, up in the grazing allotment on Steens Mountain where the cows are running this summer." Her phone pinged again, and she paused to read another message. Then she chuckled. "Oh so that's how it is, eh?" she said.

"What?" asked Melissa.

It seems that your brother Sam is there too."


"Along with his horny wife Gina."

"Oh, I see," responded Melissa. "Do you think they will all be . . .?

"Screwing?" interrupted Lisa. "Hell yes."


"Does that bother you Darling?" Melissa asked her daughter.

"No, no. I've told you, after our first visit here Jamie and I talked about the alternative life style of my family and we agreed that when we came back here for the summer we were willing to try the family's new life style. I told him that he should expect that my relatives and some of their friends would be wanting to have sex with him, and with me. We agreed we would be okay with that and were in fact looking forward to it. Besides, even if I was there who would I do? My Dad? My Brother? Even I have my limits. But Jamie and Gina? It's okay Mom. Really it is."

"Okay, just checking. You two kids have been pretty close this summer. But it sounds like we need to visit the Rev and find you some variety."

Melissa thought for a moment and said, "Yeah, that might be fun. But how about both of us?"

"Sure. I'm always up for dinner at the Rev's. I'll call him and see if he would like a couple of dinner guests for tomorrow night. Why don't you have a seat on the porch. I'll go in and call the Rev and bring a couple of beers out for us. It's about time you met the Rev." The rev was a preacher in Boise who had introduced Luke, Lisa and the rest of the family to their freewheeling attitude toward extramarital sex.

When Lisa returned she handed Melissa a beer and said, "Okay, were set for dinner with the Rev and his wife, Julia for tomorrow night. Yum. I get excited just thinking about it, but right now let's read another entry from Grandma Louise's diary. Then we will go in and eat some leftover lamb stew that I put on the stove to thaw and warm up."

"Is that the same stew I helped that crazy Basque chef, Iturri make when he was up here with Sam and Gina?"


"Oh my that was a crazy evening. And the size of that guy's cock. Wow!"

"Yeah, he's really something isn't he?"

"But you didn't do him while they were here, did you?"

Lisa smiled. "No I was pretty occupied with Jamie. But I have done Iturri a couple of times at the Rev's house. He's okay for a special occasion, but I don't think I could take him as a steady diet."

Melissa laughed. "Well the stew was good, so that's fine for dinner tonight, but what will dinner at the Rev's be like?"

"You mean the food?"

No it was Melissa's turn to laugh. "No Mom, I mean the sex."

"Oh that. Could be anything depending on where the Rev and Julia's twisted minds wander off to. I'll tell you about that later—while we eat. Right now let's read about Louise."

"Okay, but are we going to take our clothes off first, like up at the Headwaters?"

Lisa laughed, "Oh, and like this morning?"

"Sure. Nudity is one of my favorite things about summer on the Ranch."

So they both stripped down and Lisa began to read. This entry was dated a week later than Louise's description of her evening with Shawna and her two friends:

"Dear Diary,

"Today was interesting. Very interesting. Something I never expected. It was just a quickie, but still a surprise.

"It all started with a phone call from our church. A voice I didn't recognize (don't remember her name now) told me that there had been a problem with the check I had left for the Pastor a week earlier and asked if I could drop by and exchange it for another check. She assured me Hubby James and I had done nothing wrong. It had just been damaged to the point where the bank wouldn't clear it.

"It was about 10:00 a.m. on a Thursday when I got to the church. I walked straight to the office around back of the cathedral. Much to my surprise, Shawna was sitting at the secretarial station before the Pastor's office.

" 'I thought you were going to New York?' I asked.

" 'I was and I did, but it didn't work out. We didn't get the gig and Calvin and Jim took off for something they heard about on the West Coast, so I'm back here, looking after the Pastor again. I guess I'll sing with the choir here while I look for a new gig.'

" 'Oh. I'm sorry to hear that.'

"Shawna shrugged. 'Shit happens. It goes with the trade.'

" 'So what happened with our check.'

"Now she laughed. 'Nothing. The check is fine and it's already cleared. I just wanted to see you again.'

" 'Oh,' I said stretching the word out to indicate my assumption she wanted more sex. 'Well, we can't do much here in the Pastor's office . . . can we?'

I was suddenly becoming very aroused. It's amazing how that happens with sex. One minute the thought hasn't even crossed your mind and then you see someone or somebody says something and bang. All you want to do is lay down and spread your legs.

" 'Well, not like we did last week, but we can still have a little fun on a Thursday morning,' Shawna said. 'That's why I called you.'

" 'Is the Pastor out?' I asked. I couldn't believe how aroused this conversation had made.

" 'No. He's right in there,' she said nodding her head towards the door to his office. 'And we're going to have fun with him.' Her dark eyes were burning bright. 'But it's going to have to be quick. He has an appointment with the Lady's Bake Sale Committee in half an hour.'

" 'Here?'

" 'No in a conference room over in the cathedral building. But he can't be late or they'll come looking for him.'

" 'Oh.'

" 'No it just wouldn't do to have one of those ladies walk in and find the Pastor with his pants in a pool around his feet and you sucking his cock.'

"Sucking his cock? Shawna's words sent a bolt of lust through me.

" 'Oh no. That wouldn't do at all would it?' I said

" 'I noticed how good you were at blow jobs last week with Jim and Calvin. I promised the Pastor I would arrange one from you for him. He gets a little bored with my blow jobs. Every day on lunch hour I suck him off. It's just too predictable for both of us.'

" 'You blow the Pastor every day?' Shawna never ceased to amaze.

She shrugged and said, 'It seems to be a part of the job description. And I have to admit I actually kind of enjoy it. I tease him a lot.'

" 'I see,' I said, shaking my head in amazement.

" 'Do you fuck him too?'

" 'No. he says he can't do that because he's married.'

" 'He can't fuck you because of his marriage vows, but it's okay for you to give him a blow job? How does that work?'

Shawna shrugged and said, "Who knows, but I need the job and I do like giving a blow job, so it's fine with me.

" 'Are you up for it?' Shawana continued.

"I was so aroused I would have blown anyone, even Hubby James, something I had sworn never to do. 'Yes,' I whispered in response. 'But will he be . . . I mean he doesn't even know me.'

" 'Not a problem. First, he's a horny old goat. He just lives for sex with women younger than the old bat he is married to. And, he will do anything I tell him too.'

" 'Oh, sure. Okay then.'

" 'Fine. Let's go.' She looked at her watch. 'We've only got a half an hour, but it usually only takes about ten minutes to get him off.' She paused as she rose from behind her desk and said, 'Oh and one more thing. He likes to be called Bishop. He's not a Bishop, but he always wanted to be one. So call him that.'

"She opened the door to the Pastor's office and I followed her in. The office was a large one, finished in rich hardwoods with ornate furniture including a desk the size of the one in the Oval Office in the White House. The décor reflected years of misspent contributions, I thought. The Pastor was sitting behind the desk reading a book which he quickly closed, so the plainly bound back was face up.

" 'Let me introduce you," Shawna said. "Bishop, this is Louise Smithson. Louise this is Bishop Andrews.' He looked up from his desk, with a less than pleased look betraying annoyance at Shawna's interruption. 'Mrs. Smithson is the young woman I was telling you about yesterday.'

"The Bishop's appearance changed instantly. He put on his most charming smile and rose from behind his desk. He was a tall lanky drink of water, looking to be in his late 50s with neatly trimmed salt and pepper grey hair. Dressed, as pastors normally would in black with a white ecclesiastical collar. As he stepped around the desk to greet me, I couldn't help but notice a bulge in his trousers. Apparently, whatever he had been reading wasn't the Book of Revelation.

"I smiled as he stepped up to me and took my hand in both of his. It was more of caress than a handshake. He was silent for a moment as his eyes scanned my body from top to bottom. The Bishop was obviously a lecher. 'Please call me Louise,' I said.

" 'Oh yes, and please call me Samuel,' he said. We try not to be too formal around here, don't we Shawna.

" 'Certainly Bishop,' she said.

"I looked over at Shawna who was now sitting casually on a side bar, her dress at mid-thigh and her long legs crossed. Her response to my look was limited to a smile as she uncrossed her legs letting them spread. It wasn't obscene or lewd, but it certainly wasn't lady-like either.

" 'Shawana has told me so much about you,' the Bishop said, as he continued to caress my hand. " 'And I must say,' he continued, 'you're even more striking than Shawna led me to believe.' He was all but salivating now as his eyes flitted between my face and my tits.

"I looked over at Shawna again. She was leaning back on her hands, her ample chest pushed out with an amused look on her face as she watched the Bishop's fumbling attempt at seduction. She tapped her watch to remind we didn't have much time.

"I let my eyes drop to his waist where I saw that the bulge in his pants had continued to grow. Rather than waiting any longer for the Bishop to work up the courage to suggest something obscene, I simply used my free hand to retrieve the hand he was using to caress my palm and place it on one of my breasts. His remaining hand followed immediately to my other tit. With more time I would have encouraged him to open my blouse, release my bra and fondle my bare breasts. But tempus fugit, I thought.I dropped my hands to his waist and stroked his growing cock through his trousers, just a couple of times, before I quickly released his belt and trousers. There was something slightly obscene about the sound of the declining zipper. I had never sucked off an important religious leader. But, I thought, fuck it. A dick's a dick. Besides, he wasn't an important religious leader. He just liked to think he was.

"Shawna winked at me, and tapped her watch, again reminding that we didn't have much time. She had pulled her dress up around her hips and was massaging her pussy through her panties as she watched me seeking out the Bishop's cock. I hooked my fingers in his trousers and his boxers and pushed down. They both quickly fell to the floor landing in a pool around his gleaming oxfords. His legs were pale and skinny. I looked away from Shawna and down at the Bishop's dick. It wasn't a huge dick. Nothing like Shawna's musician friends, but it was still a respectable dick and it looked fully engorged. I wrapped a hand around it and begin to stroke it, remaining standing while he continued to fondle my tits. But good as his fondling felt, I was running out of time. It was time to suck some cock, so I sunk to my knees and looked up at him as I stroked his dick with a twisting motion with both hands. 'Suck it,' he said as he looked down at me. I leaned forward and licked the head of his cock. There was a tasty drop of precum on the tip. I started by simply plucking it off with the tip of my tongue. The taste thrilled me. I wanted more. Leaning forward I inhaled his cock, pulling it deep in my mouth while my tongue massaged the sensitive underside.

"His dick was long enough so I still had one hand wrapped around the shaft as I pumped it in and out of my mouth sucking hard each time I pulled back. I made sure that a mixture of his precum and my saliva slid down the shaft to lubricate it for the twisting motion my stroking hand was applying.

"I looked up at the Bishop's face. Men like it when you look at them while you are sucking them off, but the Bishop's head was pitched back and his eyes closed. He was groaning softly as I sucked him. When I looked sideways toward Shawna, I saw that she had shed her panties. Still sitting on the side bar and leaning back against the wall behind it, she was masturbating as she watched me suck off the Bishop.

"I redoubled my efforts speeding up the pace of my sucking and I could tell he was approaching his climax. 'Oh god that's good,' he said. He had his hands on my head now and was fucking my face as he controlled the pace. I like it when men fuck my face. There is something so lewd about that. About then, I heard a soft groan from Shawna as she brought herself to a climax.

"Her climax was followed quickly by the Bishop's. He pulled my face tight against his groin and then I felt him go rigid in my mouth. He fired of several rounds of salty, tasty cum into my mouth which I promptly swallowed down, letting nothing escape from my lips. After he pulled his cock from my mouth I held it in my hand licked the last few drops of cum dribbling from the tip. Good now he would be nice and clean to attend the ladies' Bake Sale Committee meeting.

"The Bishop collapsed back onto the desk he had been leaning on, gasping for breath. Meanwhile Shawna, recovered sufficiently to stand and push her dress back down, spoke up. 'Let's go your Excellency,' she said. 'We have about three minutes before the ladies of the Bake Sale Committee show up here looking for us. He looked mildly panicked and quickly hoisted his underwear and pants back into place. He straightened his shirt and looked carefully down at his trousers to make sure nothing had spilled.

" 'Not to worry Bishop,' I said. 'I got it all.' Then they were out the door headed for their meeting. I figured I would have the place to myself for a while so I pulled up my dress and stripped off my panties. Then I sat in the Bishop's big desk chair and put my feet up on his desk, spreading my legs obscenely, while I read the Victorian pornography that was in the book he had been reading when Shawna and I came into his office. I spent the next fifteen minutes masturbating in the Bishop's office, feeling totally decadent. I came twice before I left, and when I did leave, my clothes tidied up and looking respectable, I left my bright red panties behind, tossing them on top of the pair Shawna had forgotten to put back on before going to their meeting.

"Wow," Melissa said. "Grandma was a naughty girl. I thought I was a little bit loose in college, but I never gave a blow job to a Bishop."

"Neither have I," Lisa responded.

"What about the Rev?" Melissa asked.

Lisa smiled lewdly. "Oh yeah that's true, but he's not a bishop."

"Hmm. A thin distinction Mom. I think you may be more like your mother than you want to admit."

"Ouch that hurts, but. . . There may be some truth it. I was just a late starter."

Melissa laughed. "Shall I go in and check on dinner?"

"Ok but if that stew is hot, just leave it on simmer. I've got one more diary entry I want to read you."


When Melissa returned a few minutes later she reported that the stew would be ready to eat whenever they wanted. Lisa said, "Okay, but let's read this tale of Grandma Louise's debauchery first. It's a good one. It was dated just a few days after her visit to the Bishop.

"Dear Diary,

"Last night started out to be a not very interesting evening. I was at our country club where I had been talked into filling in for a missing wife in a mixed doubles tennis match. So what was wrong you might wonder? I like tennis. I really do. But I like tennis best when I'm playing against people who are a bit better than me. That kind of tennis pushes me to play my best. But that wasn't the case last night. The people I was playing with were at best mediocre and worst of all, they didn't care. Everything they hit was a big soft lob (Well, usually lower than a lob. More like a 'blob.'). And they made no effort to run anything down. When I served up a few serious zingers they all (even my own partner) looked at me like I was rude, and when I fired off a killer forehand service return that was aimed straight at the woman playing net on the other side, they made it clear that wasn't the way they played the game. Of course I did hit her smack dead center in her left boob. That had to hurt. But what the hell? She was just standing there, her racket at her side and her weight back on her heels. What did she expect me to do? There was no better place on the court to aim at for a sure win.

"Of course, what they expected me to do was to hit a nice patty cake service return that would float back to the server so he could hit a nice patty cake return that would float back to me while the two partners at the net stood watching the ball float back and forth. Arrrrgh! What a terrible way to play tennis. But I toughed it out for two long sets. I hit slow soft serves with as much spin as I could put on them and ground strokes that stayed well clear of the lady with the bruised boob, and an occasional drop shot, which didn't seem to offend anyone, because they made no effort to run it down. But I did try to make sure my partner and I won every game. I didn't want to be there all night. Okay, there was one I couldn't win. My partner hit four straight double faults. I was ready to start gnawing on my racket.

"When the match ended I had planned to go straight out to my car and go home, getting myself away from these people as fast as I could. But I just couldn't do that. I needed a drink to try and get over the rage their style had provoked in me. As it turned out it was the other three who left immediately. We said polite thank yous and good nights and then went our separate ways. Mine was directly to the little bar in the tennis lounge that overlooks the indoor courts. It was getting late but the bartender made me a Scotch (a double) and I sat at a little table slowly recovering from my frustration. The worst of it was that when I have to play tennis like that, toned down and with no aggression, not trying to win just hitting pattycake shots back and forth, my game goes totally to hell. I spray shots all over the place and I get more and more frustrated. The only way to deal with it is to put a ton of spin on everything so it stays in the court.r"


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