Madam Ambassador Pt. 01 Ch. 03

Preface 3

It was Samantha's second night of the second week with Gronxok, the gray skinned goblin like alien with two cocks. As they lay in his bed spooning, she heard Gronxok's snores and thought about how much longer she would have to be with him. Not that she was really complaining at this point.

In the beginning she had been terrified of Gronxok, having never seen him in this state of heat before.

And the first intrusion of his burning hot cocks into her tight pink pussy and virgin asshole was very painful and uncomfortable but she had gotten used to it in a couple of minutes, thanks to the lubes she had applied earlier. Then she couldn't seem to stop cumming on the alien dicks.

Yet, the first week had been difficult. Pishach males were very aggressive when in heat, especially in the stage that Gronxok had reached. She had had to endure painful slaps, spankings, pinches and bites every time she did something that displeased him. But she seemed to have discovered her submissive side because of that. All the rough treatment had aroused her intensely.

Like on the first night that they were together; she had spent most of the afternoon and evening being his fuck-toy. For most of that time, she had had to accommodate his twin cocks inside her, he wouldn't even allow her to separate from him while eating their meal.

She had had to hobble to the replicator device in the cabin with Gronxok's cocks still inside her and him hugging her tightly from behind, groping and squeezing her tits, licking and kissing her ears and cheeks.

As she stood waiting for the replicator to prepare their standard issue meals, Gronxok had started thrusting in and out of her again. She had to wait for him to ejaculate inside her for the umpteenth time that day before she could pick up their meal packs and turn around.

But even then, he wouldn't withdraw from her. So, they hobbled back to the bed, still connected together, his semen dripping down her sexy white thighs from both her holes, and they had their meal with her sitting in his lap with him still deep inside her.

While it was uncomfortable and she didn't exactly cum throughout that experience, she was still highly aroused and couldn't wait to finish eating so they could start properly fucking again.

And later that night when it was time to sleep, Gronxok had spooned her, still remaining inside her.

She had then pulled away from him to get more comfortable, pushing his dicks out of her. That was a mistake.

Gronxok had flown into a rage and sat up. He'd roared loudly and first spanked her ass had for a good couple of minutes. Then he flipped her onto her back and slapped, squeezed and pulled her big round melons, lifting her off the bed. He twisted her nipples, slapped her belly and thighs and then he pinched and pulled her pussy.

Samantha was crying out in pain as she realized why Pishaach females usually stayed in the same position that the male left them in, while they were mating.

Samantha also realized at that moment that she was incredibly turned on by being treated like that and by the time Gronxok was done punishing her, her pussy was soaking wet.

She found herself begging, "OOOHHHHhhhhh!!! .... Gronxokkk ... fuck me ...fuck me please! ... Gronxok ... I want your cocks inside me .... please fuck me ... take me .... Gronxokkk ....!"

And when Gronxok had growled and laid on top of her, she had quickly grabbed both of his burning hot cocks and aligned them with her two openings. As soon as he had plunged inside her, Samantha had squirted and started cumming, "AAAARRGGHHHHH .... AAAAHHHHHHUUUU .... UUUFFFFF ... FFFUUUUCCCKKKK MMMMEEEEE ...... MY ASSS IS BURNIINNGG ...PUSSYY IS ON FIIIRE .... AND I LOVE IT .... I LOVE YOUR COCKS .... GRONXOKKKK ... TWO COCKSSSS ..... FFFUCCKK MEE HAAARDD .... I'M YOUR WHHOOOREE .... FFFUUUCCCCKKK MMMEEE .... YEEESSSSS .... AAAAUUUUUUWWWOO ...OOOOHHHHH ....HHHAAUUNNHHH ....HHhhh mmmm ...mmmhhhh ...hhhh oooo ... fffff ...ffaaaccckkkk ....oohh fuck ...ooohh FUCK!"

Now, this second night of the second week, as she lay on the bed naked, exhausted once again after hours and hours of almost non-stop fucking, with the Pishaach spooning her from behind, she involuntarily started squeezing his cocks inside her with the muscles of her pussy and ass as she recalled their first night together.

The good Dr Denfe had prescribed some medication for her so that her human body would not just endure but also actually enjoy the non-stop copulation that it wasn't designed for.

With the help of the medications, aphrodisiacs and lubes her delicate pussy and ass had been able to survive the continuous onslaught mostly uninjured. Whatever little wounds she got on the inside by the hard fucking and on the outside by the rough fondling, sucking and biting that she had been subjected to, especially on her lovely big breasts, round ass and shapely thighs, were all instantly getting cured by the ointments she had been asked to apply every day.

Samantha had become cocky after the first two days with Gronxok and forgot that it was the medications, ointments, etc that were keeping her pussy and ass well lubricated for the Pishaach's twin dicks. So she had neglected to use them that day.

The first two sessions with Gronxok went well for her but by the third time, she was an exhausted mess and she spent a good half hour screaming with pain and whimpering with exhaustion as the gray goblin relentlessly banged her even harder.

After that experience, Samantha never missed even a single dose of her medication and religiously kept herself well lubed.

So Mrs Samantha Kane was now in a state of near constant arousal.

She had become a complete whore and cum-slut for the alien that she was supposed to be 'just helping with a medical issue'.

As she lay on the bed, squeezing the two alien cocks inside her, Samantha tried to suppress her feelings of guilt as she tried hard not to think of her husband whom she was betraying for the sake of her mission's success. As far as she knew, he had been told that the ship that she was on, the Mazakarat, was observing total radio silence for a week.

Now that the one week was over, her Jack would be trying to get in touch with her. She just hoped that the Captain and the others had given him a believable story about why she couldn't speak to him.

If he suspected that anything was wrong he would drop everything and speed to the Mazakarat. She shuddered at the thought of her husband finding out what she was up to; her ideal life would turn into a living nightmare.

"Oh Gronxok" she whispered, "I hope your heat ends soon and you're back to the normal gentle Pishaach scholar we all know ... and I can get back to my life as an ambassador of Terra Prime (Earth) and a respectable, loyal wife and mother ... from being a slut for Pishaach cocks."

She suddenly had an idea that maybe now that Gronxok was asleep, she could sneak in a hyperspace call to her Jack. She did miss her husband, his gentle caresses, his voice, the sound of his laughter ... his unquestioning love.

With tears in her eyes, Samantha relaxed her ass and pussy muscles and moved her pelvis slightly, hoping to slowly slide the two alien penises out from her.

She giggled wickedly at the thought of being punished by Gronxok again if she got caught.

"What's wrong with me?" she thought, "I'm sad and sorry for betraying my husband and am missing him terribly but at the same time I'm getting excited at the thought of having rough sex with this alien! ... it must be all the meds and aphrodisiacs I'm taking, I hope."

As she started sliding away from Gronxok, his cocks still halfway inside her, she felt him stir behind her. She felt him moving his hand from her sexy belly up to her luscious breasts and start to slowly knead them.

She moaned, "Hhmmmmmm ... mmhhh" as he softly pinched her sensitive nipples. Then she heard him growl, "Grm tash shlapp!"

He thrust his hard cocks back fully into her, making her yelp, "AOOWW!"

Then he said, "Shlapp, yr gu tmakh?"

As waves of pleasure once again started radiating throughout her body from her pussy, ass and breasts, all she could say in reply was, "Ooooohhhhhhh ... yesss ... fuck me Gronxok ... keep fucking me!"

He pushed her onto her stomach and lay on top of her, slowly fucking her ass and pussy, squeezing her tits, licking and kissing her ears and face from behind and growling guttural words into her ear.

The last thought that Samantha had before succumbing completely once again to the mindless ecstasy and pleasure of the mating that she had been experiencing for the past few days were, "Gronxok isn't just growling, he speaking words .... he's getting better!"

After an all night bout of copulation, Samantha woke up late the next day. She checked the calender; it was the third day of the second week that she was with Gronxok.

Suddenly she was shocked as she realized two things. The first was that Gronxok was still deep asleep; usually by this time he would already be shafting in and out of her, even if she was sleeping.

The second thing she realized was that after over a week, she had gone to sleep without his cocks still inside her.

She quickly went into the bathroom to freshen up. She took a long hot bath and took her time, applying the instant healing ointments on the wounds and love bites on her sexy body and then lubing herself up again and taking her meds and aphrodisiacs.

When she came out, Gronxok was still on the bed snoring away.

So she had her first meal in over week without the alien's cocks pulsing inside her pussy and ass.

When he still hadn't woken up, she decided to take a chance to call up her husband.

Just then, the communicator in the cabin went, "Dr Denfe to Ambassador Samantha Kane."

Sighing, Samantha replied, "Yes."

Dr Denfe said, "Good morning Ambassador, how are you today?"

Samantha replied, "Good morning doctor. I'm fine. And you?"

Dr Denfe said, sounding surprised, "I'm good too ... um isn't Prof Gronxok there ...?"

Samantha blushed with embarrassment as she recalled every conversation she had had with the doctor over the past few days; she was always screaming in ecstasy as she spoke to the doctor through the throes of her multiple orgasms.

"He's asleep ... surprisingly ... um doctor, I think we may be making progress. Last night he was speaking in some strange language, perhaps the prehistoric Pishaach language that your documentation had mentioned, instead of only growling and gasping.

"Hmmm ... that is progress." Dr Denfe said thoughtfully, "Though not at the pace that I had hoped for. Ambassador, when I had suggested that you spend time with Prof Gronxok, I had hoped that he would be completely back to normal within a week.

"But from what you tell me, his cooling off might take a full four week period. If he is speaking prehistoric Pishaach now, then he should be able to recognize you by next week and during the fourth week should have all his mental faculties back ... but he would still be in a state of arousal then. He can be left alone safely only after the fourth week."

Samantha said, "I understand ... the meds you have prescribed are helping a lot. I wouldn't have made it through the past week otherwise. I'll see this whole thing through, doctor. The mission must not fail."

"Samantha," the doctor replied, "there will be a few changes in Gronxok as he slowly goes back to normal. I'm sending you some more documentation to go through. He will probably sleep throughout the day today. But you can expect a ... well .. um ...a ..."

"A busy night?" Samantha finished the doctor's sentence.

"Yes." Dr Denfe replied, "Please make sure you go through the documentation thoroughly to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

"And Samantha, there's one more thing. Your husband has been calling asking to speak to you. I don't think Blubarb or the Captain can stall him much longer."

"Yes, I wanted to speak to him anyway. Is it okay if I leave Gronxok alone for some time? I want to speak to Jack from my own cabin alone."

"Certainly. But please ensure that you are back there by evening. Gronxok should awake only after ten more hours ... and make sure you read the documentation or all our progress made with him can be undone in a day."

"Yes doc, thanks." Samantha replied and signed out.

Taking one last look at the snoring Pishaach on the bed, she ran, still stark naked back to her cabin.

There she put on her blue Galactic Alliance uniform and made a hyperspace video call to her husband.

"Samantha! I was starting to get worried! How are you?" said Jack.

Looking at the obvious relief on the handsome face of her trusting husband, Samantha felt tears welling up in her eyes.

She replied, "Jack, baby I miss you so much! ... Yes, I'm okay ... things here have been kind of crazy ... you know, the usual cloak and dagger stuff."

"Your ship has been incommunicado for a week. And even now, your Captain Squakaw said that only highest priority calls were being allowed."

"Well, the Terran Union's ambassador wanting to speak to her husband is high priority." Samantha giggled.

Then she whispered conspiratorially, "Don't tell anyone I said this but most of these aliens are actually terrified of us humans ... they still remember what happened to the civilizations that went to war with us."

"Afraid of us?" Jack laughed, "I thought they were aroused by us."

Samantha felt a shadow fall over her. "Does he know?" she thought and shuddered involuntarily.

"Sam, what's the matter?" Jack asked, concerned.

Samantha shook herself back to reality and replied, "Nothing darling. I just miss you. I want to be in your arms again ... this whole Skelda mess is getting to me ... I need a long vacation after this; just you and me."

"Well, just a little over six weeks more and I'll be there at Skelda."

"Honey, I can't wait to be with you ... um are you in your cabin ... we could you know ...?"

"Yes, I rushed back to my cabin when I got your call." Jack grinned.

For the next half an hour, Samantha had interstellar cybersex with her husband. It wasn't as good as the real thing but after spending days and nights with an alien, she was longing for a connection with Jack.

After they had both orgasmed, Samantha said to her husband, "I'm not sure when we'll be able to talk again ... but please just call me whenever you can. If the call gets through ... I mean, even if just audio, just hearing your voice makes me feel so much better!"

"I love you Sam."

"I love you Jack."

After disconnecting the call, Samantha spent the better part of an hour crying because of the emotional turmoil inside her. She had spent over a week betraying her husband, even if it was for an important cause. And now, after talking lovingly, and sincerely to her husband she was going to go back to the goblin-like alien, whom she had given her anal virginity to, and spend around three more weeks with him.

Fighting off the urge to sleep from sheer emotional exhaustion, she got up, washed her face and switched on the terminal to read the new documentation that Dr Denfe had sent her.

Treating a Pishaach male who is experiencing extreme heat: the sexual method.

As already explained earlier, one of the methods for treating a Pishaach male who has reached the last stage of heat and become uncommunicative, is to cause him to copulate with a female of his choice.

Usually, the male comes back to normal as his heat is satisfied within a week of copulation.

However, in rare cases, (exacerbated by heat suppressing medications) the recovery is much slower and the patient has to go through the stage by stage reversal of the heat process, as described below:

During the first week of copulation, the patient requires near constant sexual intercourse. All higher mental functions have stopped and all bodily functions, except for reproductive functions slow down. The patient can only communicate through growls, gasps, gestures and facial expressions.

During the second week, the higher mental functions gradually start getting restored. The patient now speaks only in a prehistoric Pishaach dialect (these dialects are highly varied and so not all of them have been documented by the Universal Translator. However, the translator can start picking up the meanings of some words and start translating after some time.)

The patient sleeps and eats a lot during this time. The patient may sleep for upto twelve to thirteen hours at a stretch on entering this stage. On the subsequent days, he sleeps up to nine hours daily (which is a welcome change as the patient gets very little sleep during the first week)

The rest of the time is spent in sexual activity.

There are some cases where the patient actually shows signs of losing interest in sex in spite of his body requiring it. At this time, it is imperative that the female treating him take measures to seduce him and initiate sexual contact or he can relapse into the previous state and be lost for good.

Some methods for seducing and initiating sexual contact with the patient are :

A) Wearing revealing clothes or lingerie instead of being fully naked all the time.

B) Performing a sexual dance (Dr Denfe had added a note : a combination of certain dances from ancient human culture, called belly dance and striptease would be most effective here.)

C) Stimulating the sexual organs of the patient orally.

D) As the patient may seem more interested in food, food can also be used in a sexual manner.

E) Getting the patient to tie up the female and play with her body using various instruments. (Dr Denfe had added a note : something similar to what humans call BDSM)

However, the most effective way to arouse a Pishaach male, from this stage onwards seems to be by competition. This may have something to do with the ancient past of the species.

A Pishaach male in heat seems to take great pleasure in 'stealing away' another male's mate. Or even forcing sexual intercourse with the female in front of her mate.

Holgraphic Simulations can be used to create such scenarios to quickly treat the patient.

During the third week, the patient starts recognizing people and starts to gradually speak in the Galactic Standard languages. He may still need stimulation from time to time. But with the return of speech, he can instruct the female treating him about his desires.

During the fourth week, the patient finally enters a stage that is normal for a Pishaach male in heat. He still requires frequent sexual intercourse but all his mental faculties and bodily functions are back to normal.

During the fifth week, the patient no longer needs treatment but he is still capable of sexual intercourse. This ends the period of heat and by the sixth week, he becomes incapable of sexual intercourse, until the beginning of his next heat period.

"Great." thought Samantha, "Now I'll have to dress sexily and dance for him."

That thought, powered by the aphrodisiacs she had taken that morning, started moistening her pussy again.

Checking the time, she saw that she still had about seven hours before she had to return to Gronxok.

She had her lunch alone and setting an alarm on her timer to wake her up after five hours, she stripped naked and went to sleep in her bed.

Five hours later, the alarm started ringing.

Samantha awoke from an intensely erotic dream in which, three different versions of her husband came to her together and carried her away from Gronxok's side, to a deserted planetoid.r"


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