Seaside Succubus Restaurant

Editor's note: this story contains scenes of non-consensual or reluctant sex.


Alice decided to open a diner along the roadside. She was a succubus, but she had come to earth to "help" humans. Humans were so embarrassed about sex. She would help them change their lives for the better. Even if it wasn't the life they wanted. It would soon be the life they salivated for.

Alice opened an old fashioned 1950s diner along the seaside and many summertime travelers came in.

One lunchtime two women came into Alice's Restaurant. They were best friends, soon they'd be much more than that. They sat down at one of the tables.

"Hello, I'm Alice. I'll be your waitress. How can I help you today?" questioned Alice.

"Well, I'm Kendra and this is my good friend Pepper. What's good?" questioned Rosa.

Alice smirked. "It's Tuesday, I'd have to say our tacos are excellent. So moist and flavorful. If I was you I'd get them."

"Alright, we'll take those," said Kendra.

Alice smirked. She knew that Kendra was the dominant one in the friendship. Alice knew that Kendra would look excellent dressed up like a dominatrix as Pepper begged to eat her pussy. Whips and chains would definitely be in their playroom.

"Let me go get those tacos. You two sit in the booth and make yourself comfortable" stated Alice.

Alice brought out the tacos and the women started eating. Their eyes glazed over.

"You're so lucky to have such a beautiful friend, Pepper. You must rely on her alot. I bet she's your world. Do you two hang out alot?" questioned Alice.

Pepper shrugged..."I don't know. Not really, she's okay to spend time with I guess."

"But you drove with her all the way up here from NYC, that must mean something...I mean I can see how you like her. She's very desirable. Such a strong Hispanic woman. Look at her hair...I know you look at her in the mornings and have ideas. It's okay to have ideas you know. Up here alternative lifestyles are a common thing. Lusting after another woman, especially one as pretty as Kendra is perfectly ok. In fact I would be surprised if you didn't lust after her. Remember all those lonely nights, humping your vibrator thinking of Kendra." stated Alice using all her magic to make Pepper desire Kendra.

Pepper was starting to grow wet between her legs. Now that this woman mentioned it. Kendra was pretty, excellent masturbation material. It was just too bad that Pepper was straight.

"Isn't it like gay to desire another woman? I'm not gay?" said Pepper but her voice sounded unsure. Kendra was just so beautiful. She was strong and domineering. A woman like Kendra could never want a weak woman like her.

"Of course you're not gay, silly Pepper. It's not gay to admire another woman's breasts. I know you want Kendra's tits and cunt in your mouth. I know that looking at her makes you wet. Your pussy is dripping right now isn't it? But, don't worry none of that is gay. You're just her friend. A friend who wants to worship her. A friend who could help her." said Alice.

"How can I help her?" questioned Pepper a bit too eagerly. She wanted to help Kendra. Kendra was just so beautiful and powerful. She was everything that Pepper wasn't.

"Well, you said Kendra has alot of stress as a cop. You could help your friend with her stressful life. So you could eat her out and help her relax that way." said Alice.

"I don't know if I could do that. Would that really help her?" questioned Pepper.

"Silly Pepper, of course it would help her...and you. Just think about how wonderful it will be to thrust your tongue in and out of her wet snatch. It would help her body relax so much. Then you could have all her beautiful cum on your face." stated Alice. If Kendra hadn't been a squinter before she was now.

Pepper quivered with desire and tried to look away from Kendra. But, Alice's powers were already starting to take hold. It was far too late for Pepper. Now she was nothing but a rug munching dyke.

Now it was time for Alice to speak to Kendra. "It must be so hard for you with your high-powered job as a cop, no time to relax...all you want to do is relax, get a nice massage and have people pamper you. But, your friend Pepper just had to get out of the city. I think she's a selfish cunt. But, still you took your vacation time and came up here with her.You're so kind Kendra to help your friend like that. But, now you want her to help you relax. You also want her to pay since she made you come on this expensive trip. Pepper will now help you earn money. You'll be her Mistress...her pimp and she'll be nothing but a brainless street walking whore. That makes you wet doesn't it? The wetter the better." said Alice.

"The wetter the better." said Kendra. She thought of all the money Pepper was going to make her. Pepper was going to be her sub and serve her in all the sick and twisted ways that Kendra could think of.

"I have a huge strap-on for you to break your new bitch in with. Trust me, she'll love it." stated Alice.

Kendra strapped the object on. She was excited to plow Pepper. Pepper stared in horror at the strap-on's size.

"Bend over bitch." ordered Kendra. She spanked Pepper on the ass for not going fast enough.

Pepper had no choice but to comply. She bent over the counter. All the while, Kendra was pushing the strap-on into her ass.

Pepper whined when she realized Kendra was pushing into her ass. "No! No, I can't! It's way to big"she begged.

"Quiet, you fucking whore! You belong to me now! You'll address me as Mistress or I'll punish you further.Kendra said. Her eyes were wild with lust.

"No...Mistress, I mean Yes Mistress...I'll obey. I'll do whatever you like." stated Pepper timidly. She wanted this didn't she? But, it was what Kendra wanted so it was what she wanted...right? Pepper submitted.

Kendra grinned malevolently in triumph. "On your knees, ass in the air, cunt!" Pepper shook her head, but she obeyed. "Please. Please don't hurt my ass." "Shut up, slut! I'm twice the man of any lover you've ever had. I know how to treat a submissive piece of ass like you. I'm a real woman, you're nothing but a worthless slut. It's almost like you don't want to be a rug muncher.

But, that's where Pepper knew Kendra was wrong. Pepper had always been a dyke and lusted after Kendra. So Pepper figured it was time to show Kendra what a devoted servant she was. She wanted to prove she was a lesbian. One who could please her Mistress, So she leaned up against Rosa's leg. Pepper knew she belonged to Kendra. She was lucky. She wanted to please Kendra. Pepper stood up and kissed Kendra's slick pussy. She ran her tongue up and down, Kendra's clit.

"Ooo, Pepper! Oh, God! Go deeper!" stated Kendra breathlessly. "Still I didn't say you could do that. Later maybe, now take a deep breath."

"Why Mistress?" questioned Pepper.

Without warning, Kendra pushed the strap on all the way up Pepper's ass.

"No!" Pepper screamed.

Slap! Kendra spanked again Pepper with her left hand. "Quiet, bitch or next time it will be a whip! Sluts like you have to learn."

Pepper was still an untrained slut and she tried to run away, but Kendra held her firm and hit her again, harder this time. Kendra knew she'd have to get a leash for Pepper. She was disobedient.

Pepper continued to sob, her hands were trembling on the counter. She knew she had to learn from Kendra. Kendra was a strong cop. She was just a weak whore. Pepper was unworthy to be with Kendra.

The spanking stopped. Kendra caressed Pepper's reddened backside "I didn't want to do that Pepper but you have to learn how to obey me. I am your Mistress after all. Now, stop fighting me and give into your slutty you want to make me more angry?"

"No, Mistress...I'm sorry." sobbed Pepper.

Kendra backed out and shoved the strap-on in again. "Still you need to learn more. So let's get it on. God, what a tight fucking ass! It's a perfect bubble butt. We need to get some tramp stamps on it. But, who does this ass belong too? Kendra asked as she stretched and pulled the strap-on in and out of Pepper.

Pepper felt like she was being turned inside out. But, still she knew she was lucky to have Kendra was only helping her. Kendra was a real woman worthy of her servitude So Pepper screamed "You! Mistress! I belong to you!"

Kendra laughed wickedly like she was possessed.

"God, Pepper you're opening up, you'll be as loose as a ten dollar whore when I'm done with you. I suppose that's what I'll be renting your ass and pussy out for." Kendra laughed.

Pepper started to moan. She was starting to like it. Kendra was right. Mistress Kendra was always right. How had she doubted it?

"Fucking whore, I knew you'd love it." said Kendra said as she continued laughing.. Pepper was lost. Nothing existed but the strap-on that stretched her open. She screamed in ecstasy as she felt Kendra continue to pound her.

"Oh, God! Kendra! Feels sooo good!"

Kendra pulled out."See? I told you. Now you're a whore just like I said. Pepper giggled. Mistress Kendra was SO right. She was a whore.

"Pepper, Kendra we're not done with toys yet." stated Alice. Out of her backroom, Alice pulled a big pink double dildo. It was as thick as her wrist. Both girls, newly lesbians, stared in horror.

Alice slid one end into Pepper's engorged pussy. She fed it in slowly. Pepper groaned in agony. She pushed the other end into Kendra's cunt.

"Now, fuck each other." commanded Alice.

Kendra, the dom, thrust first drawing a moan from Pepper. Pepper hesitantly shoved back, driving the rubber cock even deeper into Kendra. Pepper and Kendra screamed as they fucked. They were no longer friends but a Mistress and her sub.

Alice laid her hands on each girl's face. Their eyes rolled back in her head and Alice began programming complete personalities for the fornicating pair. Pepper and Kendra would become lesbians.

Neither would have any interest in men. But, Kendra would happily sell Pepper to both men and women. Pepper would do it for her Mistress. Pepper would do anything for her Mistress.

Kendra now saw Pepper as her fucktoy. Pepper was only there to please her. It was her duty as a weak woman to serve a strong woman like Rosa. That would be Pepper and Kendra's life from now on. Alice had made their lives happy.

With their lives changed, forever...and for the better. Pepper and Kendra left the diner on to new adventures. Alice was happy for the new rug-munchers. It was her job to make people happy after all.

Soon a new customer came into the seaside diner. " Hi, I'm Molly I was wondering if you had any milkshakes." stated Molly "No, not right now. But, if you wait awhile I'll have some milkshakes for you." stated Alice. "No thanks, I'll be going. I didn't need one that much anyway. Bad for your figure, you know. They make you all curvy" Molly said as she prepared to leave.

"I said SIT DOWN AND LISTEN!" ordered Alice. It was clear that Molly needed help. Molly had poor body confidence. She needed to be guided. Alice was going to make sure that Molly enjoyed that milkshake and her body.

With Alice's persuasion Molly sat down. She sat down and just stared at the countryside. Molly had always wanted to live in the countryside. She wondered what a house out here would cost, even a small one.

Molly noticed that the restaurant was beginning to grow incredibly hot. She almost couldn't stand it.

"Excuse me's hot in here. I was wondering if you could turn the AC on?" questioned Molly.

"Sorry, company policy says it has to be like this. You could take your top off though. We're both women, it's not like I'm going to complain." said Alice.

"Oh, I don't know. It seems wrong. As long as you promise not to look at me." stated Molly.

"I promise." stated Alice smirking.

Molly took her top off. She was still sweating. It was SO hot.

"Oh you poor dear, you're sweating all over. I'm your server. Let me help you with that." stated Alice. She said as she reached around Molly and cupped her small breasts.

Molly gasped in pleasure at the contact. It felt SO nice to have someone helping her get the sweat off her breasts. "Does that feel nice Molly?" Alice asked quietly.

"Yes." replied Molly. She wanted more from this woman but how could she put that in words?

Despite having her top off Molly felt warm. Warmer. She glanced down, and gasped as she saw her chest dripping with sweat. "Uhmm, Alice I still need help, I'm just so sweaty."

Alice was only too happy to help. After all at her restaurant all customers got what they wanted and Molly had wanted a strawberry milkshake. So Alice massaged Molly's pair of soft, glorious mounds and pink nipples that were stiff and tender. Molly began panting from Alice's expert massaging. She started moaning from the pleasure.

"Oh good girl," Alice said, guiding Molly, who was now mindless with pleasure, to the counter. Molly kept moaning as she followed Alice. "Good girl..." stated Alice. "O-oooooh," Molly moaned, whimpering as Alice's clever and demonic fingers sank into her pliant titflesh. Rolling Molly's plump breasts together. Squeezing them. Teasing them. Fingers rubbing her oh so tender nipples. Molly failed to notice that her breasts were expanding. They were now huge. It just felt SO good when Alice was massaging them.

"That's it," Alice crooned. "What a good dairy girl. Can you feel all that pent up milk? I know. I know. You just need to release it. Just need to let it gush and flow. Don't fight it. Just welcome it. Just...let it...flow.. Help me make you wanted." Molly whined, a cry of animal need. Her breasts were so heavy. So stuffed. So thick with cream. Her hips rubbed her against the counter, her pussy boiling with lust. Her new heavy breasts were bouncing. Bouncing. Pressure building. Building...

"Ah. Ah! M-moooooooore!" she moaned as the dam burst. As from her quivering tits milk spurted into the bowl, the metal pinging as jets of her cream hit. "Moooooooore!"

Alice laughed wickedly, moisture was now running down the inside of Molly's thighs, soaking her pants and panties as she came. "Mnnn. That's a good dairy slut. That's it. Milk it aaaall out..."

Molly whimpered, sagging against the counter, while she continued to milk herself There was so much. The bowl was overflowing, "Oh no!" Alice gasped in mock horror. Molly was almost perfect. She just needed a bit more tweaking.

"Look at this." "Wh-wha-ah-aht!" Molly gasped as Alice reached between her thighs, and started stroking her cunt.

"Why, your panties are just soaked! Molly. Did you cum from being milked?" Alice knew that Molly would always cum from being milked now. It was her reward for working at the diner.

"I...I..." stated Molly. It was just so hard to think. Pink clouds were invading her brain. Well, I can't have you like this. We have to take them off."

"" Molly tried to protest.

Every argument died on her lips. She couldn't think of what to say as Alice stripped off her pants and panties. She was just so warm. So hot. Molly was so confused and horny and needy. Her hips bucked as Alice spanked her soft, pliant ass and gave it a pinch. "There we are," Alice cooed. "Isn't that better?"

"I...I dunno...and " stated Molly.

"That's okay, my Mooly. You don't need to know. You just have to do absolutely whatever I say" stated Alice.

"I-I do and I'm Molly not Mooly?" questioned Molly. Something wasn't right but what was it? Pink clouds invaded her mind again.

"I don't think that's right, your Mooly not Molly. Mooly my little dairy cow." stated Alice wickedly.

Molly opened her mouth to answer. But, nothing came out. What this woman was saying made so much sense. She had been producing milk, so she must be a cow. That's what cows did!

"Ah Mooly, I see you tits are growing so full with milk again. I'm your server so let me help you with that. Alright? I just need you to come in the back with me." stated Alice. Molly followed. She was sure Alice knew what she was doing. "Now my Mooly cow, you're going to stay here and help me with milk for the diner. You want to do that don't you?" Alice had been using all her influence. She needed milk for her diner. She was only giving Molly what she wanted. Alice was kind.

Alice began to apply a lotion to Molly's breasts. Molly moaned pleasurably and closed her eyes as the heat in her breasts continued to grow. But something else was happening, as she continued to fondle her breasts they seemed to be filling her hands more and more. For the first minute or two she thought it was just her pent up horniess but after a few more minutes it was impossible to ignore. Her breasts were now overflowing in her hands and they seemed to be swelling more with each breath she took. They were also becoming more tender. The increased sensation of her now K sized breasts was driving her horniness even higher, but some rational portion of her mind was alarmed by their sudden growth. Stroking them was pure heaven but it was wrong?

"Oh oh, what's happening to me?" Molly managed to gasp out. Her pleasure was just so intense now. She was moaning constantly. Molly wished she could cum, she was right on the brink. Alice gave an evil laugh. It was far too late for Molly to escape now. "I'm just making a few changes to you. It's for the better dear. How do they feel?"

"They feel so... so BIG! They... they feel so, mmmm... so good! MOooohhhh!" Molly got out between moans as the weight in her hands continued to grow. "How big... how big will... they get!? It would be the last question she'd ask as a free human. She managed to gasp out as she felt a hand slide around her middle and trace along the top of her panties.

"Just a little bigger my Pet, just a bit larger." stated Alice smirking. Mooly would make a good cow for her.

Molly didn't know how much longer she could remain standing. The waves of ecstasy that were cresting over her, threatened to overwhelm her at any moment. Her breasts continued to grow until they were far beyond what she could cup in her arms. They were so heavy Molly fell on her knees to the floor. Molly would always remain on her knees around Alice. It was where a cow like her belonged.

Molly felt Alice's hand exploring her inner folds. She never imagined another woman fingering her cunt could feel so good. Molly let out a pleasurable "Moo" as Alice worked her hand faster and faster.

"That's enough my little pet, open your eyes and look in the mirror.

Molly opened her eyes and moaned in shock and pleasure at the sight before her. The lanky woman that was there when she closed her eyes was gone. In her place was a wickedly curvaceous girl with heavy, full breasts capped with large, hard nipples. Her pussy was dripping with pink color fluid. Molly reached down to taste it. It was WONDERFUL with just a hint of strawberry. Lust filled Molly's eyes as she looked at the woman behind her.

"Do you like yourself my Pet?" Alice whispered as she worked her fingers in and out of Molly's dripping pussy again. Keeping her new pet on the brink was a good idea. It made her milk better. Alice inserted a vibrator in there. To always keep her pet on the brink. "Feels nice, doesn't it?" Every time you give me a gallon of milk you'll get to cum, understand?"

Molly could only moo and nod in answer. As the vibrator started up. Her mind was completely lost in blind ecstasy. Her thoughts were vanishing.

"Good, I promised you a milkshake. Let me go make you one from the milk you gave me. Sadly, the milk you produced before has gone bad. So I'll hook you up to this milking machine. It will make everything better my little Mooly." stated Alice. With that she latched two pumps onto Molly's tits...well now udders. The machine began. It squeezed and administered to Molly's breasts. Alice was able to enjoy the site of Molly's nipples puffy and still dribbling with the sweet cream of her milk. Soon Alice's experience would be better, when she had a slut to eat her out. Right now Molly was bucking in the machine. Molly "spoke"r"


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